Local security company
Baku, Yasamal district,
Bashir Safaroglu 133
break time
13:00 - 14:00
Winter Park
"BETTA" LLC is a local security company with more than 12 years of history. The company operates on the basis of the "Law on non-state (private) protection activities" of the Republic of Azerbaijan under license No. 041300 issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The following functions are performed in all facilities protected by "BETTA" LLC:
24/7 live security and electronic security service
Effective communication with employees and guests
Site/facility patrol and surveillance
Access control and management
Investigation and reporting of incidents within the framework established by the relevant law
Provision of emergency evacuation
Fire protection and fire extinguishing measures
Constant monitoring of electronic and physical security measures
Liaison with local law enforcement officials
Preparation of internal security rules, plans and instructions for the facility
Organization and conduct of trainings for personnel
Detection of existing gaps related to security, proposing and solving requests and proposals in the direction of their elimination
Emergency plan; violence at work, threats of explosives, terrorism, mass poisoning, etc. taking appropriate measures against such cases