Restaurants and cafes - wedding palace, pubs, clubs, fast food restaurants, restaurants in Targovi at one address. You can use the menu below to get information about addresses.
It is almost impossible to list all the hundreds of the most beautiful and luxurious restaurants in Baku. You can find the most popular places in the category of restaurants. If you are looking for restaurants in Targovu, Icheri Sheher, Mardakan, Ahmadli, Sahil, Narimanov, you can see the list we have prepared for you. It is possible to find restaurants for people of all ages in the categories. Family restaurants, restaurants with modern cabinets for young people, restaurants for children are on the list. Go to the list to get a list of restaurants and cafes in Targovu. Click on Targovu to get restaurants. Restaurants in Icheri Sheher are listed on a redirected page.
Cafes are also on the list. We have put together the most delicious cafes in Baku into one list, preparing the most delicious dishes. For more information about cafes, you can select the category menu and browse the cafes that suit you. We have marked the cafe addresses on the map, contact details and social media accounts for those who want to see it visually. We also took into account fast food lovers. We have compiled a list of the best fast food restaurants in Baku.
Finding a wedding palace is usually a tedious, difficult process and usually takes a lot of time. To speed up this process, we share with you a list of information about the best wedding palaces in Baku. We also have our own list of entertainment venues such as pubs and clubs. You can find a list of pubs and clubs that offer the most interesting and delicious food by going to the page above. You can also find sports bars that are indispensable for sports lovers.
Latest information about flights at Heydar Aliyev International Airport.