
On our online exchange rates page, you can quickly follow the free exchange rates of many countries, current buying and selling prices. You can make quick calculations with the currency converter.

1 AZN = 1 AZN
1 AZN = 0.5882 USD
1 AZN = 0.5355 EUR
1 AZN = 0.4494 GBP
1 AZN = 20.1613 TRY
1 AZN = 56.4972 RUB
1 AZN = 1.6163 GEL
1 AZN = 250000 IRR
1 AZN = 24.2131 UAH
1 AZN = 2.1608 AED
1 AZN = 4.1528 CNY
1 AZN = 87.1384 JPY
1 AZN = 588.2353 ARS
1 AZN = 0.8728 AUD
1 AZN = 3.2289 BRL
1 AZN = 0.8012 CAD
1 AZN = 0.5024 CHF
1 AZN = 13.587 CZK
1 AZN = 3.992 DKK
1 AZN = 28.49 EGP
1 AZN = 4.5683 HKD
1 AZN = 9201.1245 IDR
1 AZN = 2.2346 ILS
1 AZN = 49.505 INR
1 AZN = 792.393 KRW
1 AZN = 0.1802 KWD
1 AZN = 285.7143 KZT
1 AZN = 52631.5789 LBP
1 AZN = 10.3093 MDL
1 AZN = 11.3636 MXN
1 AZN = 6.2657 NOK
1 AZN = 0.96 NZD
1 AZN = 2.3148 PLN
1 AZN = 2.2095 SAR
1 AZN = 6.0864 SEK
1 AZN = 0.7667 SGD
1 AZN = 6.2617 TJS
1 AZN = 2.0589 TMT
1 AZN = 7518.797 UZS
1 AZN = 10.2696 ZAR
1 AZN = 1.9249 BYN
1 AZN = 2.5207 MYR














You can make quick calculations using the currency converter tool to find out the current exchange rates. The exchange rate calculator is very easy to use. All you have to do is enter the amount in the currency you want to convert.Market rates may show instantaneous rates for a variety of reasons. Changes in the economic situation of countries, serious fluctuations in trade indicators can lead to a difference in current exchange rates.The bodies of the currency markets are banks and central banks. Changes in the rates of banks and the Central Bank are possible. The prices for buying and selling currency for each bank are also different.Thanks to our dedicated currency converter, you can easily and quickly convert currencies. All foreign currencies in the world, gold prices are updated every 5 minutes. The converter has many advanced features such as history, results comparison and reverse currency conversion. Currency conversion charts also make it easy to use on your mobile phone.