We have combined the addresses of industrial enterprises - mining, chemical, food processing industry, plants and factories on one page so that you can easily find them. Browse the categories below for more information and addresses and contact information.
You can get the addresses of industrial enterprises on our website. Thus, the mining industry, metal constructions, chemical and food processing industry, as well as metal constructions and plants and factories, which are considered industrial enterprises, were mentioned in separate categories. By clicking on the relevant category, you can get information about the companies operating in that field. In the window that opens, you can learn information about companies - map addresses, contact information and working hours.
Industrial enterprises means an enterprise, other than a specialized enterprise or commercial enterprise, which by its nature or size requires substantial capital and which by its nature or size has created or offers a reasonable prospect of creating substantial employment opportunities. The term "industrial facility" may include manufacturing activities and research and development activities, as well as warehouse facilities, distribution facilities, international, national and regional headquarters facilities. The term "industrial establishment" also includes activities directly related to tourism and recreation facilities, provided that such activities are part of or form part of a planned or established tourism or recreation complex.
If you want to get detailed information about industrial enterprises, you can see the list of companies by clicking on the relevant category. After clicking on the relevant company, you can get the address and contact information of the company on the map in the window that opens. You can use the contact tools for additional information or questions.
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