We have collected on this page for you to easily find the addresses of pharmacies, veterinarians, medical centers, both private and public. For more information, see the following categories.
In order to save time for those seeking medical facilities, we have gathered medical institutions operating in our country at one address. So, you can find information about medical institutions public or private medical institutions, addresses, working hours and contact information on the google map page. Medical facilities are considered to be important for everyone. To protect our health, we need to visit medical facilities at least once a year. Check-ups or regional examinations are regularly recommended by doctors. We have collected for you on this page so that you can easily find the addresses of medical institutions without wasting time. You can get detailed information by linking to the pages.
What is included in medical institutions? Within the medical institutions, there are pharmacies, dispensaries, treatment centers, laboratories, polyclinics, blood transfusion stations, health control bodies, children's polyclinics, blood transfusion stations, folk medicine centers, pharmaceutical and veterinary companies, etc. On the page you will also find contact information of maternity hospitals, hospitals, morgues, disinfection services, aesthetic centers, ophthalmological centers, women's clinics.
The page is very easy to use. Simply click on the section you need from the categories section and select the one you want from the list of founders operating in the category you are looking for in the newly opened window. Click on the appropriate category to get San-epidem station addresses. In the window that opens, you get the address, contact information and opening hours of the establishment or pharmacy on the map. For more information, you can contact the number listed in front of the company.
Latest information about flights at Heydar Aliyev International Airport.