Khatai district, Yusif Safarov 30
After reviewing the list of pet salons located in Baku, you can get information about pet salons and find out their addresses.
Considering the needs of pets, or, in other words, our beloved friends, zoo services should be no worse than veterinary services. The condition of fur and skin, which are important factors influencing the health of our friends, must be fully provided for. Coat problems specific to indoor pets, i.e. homes, is a condition that all animal lovers constantly face. There are a number of services within the zoo salon, which include hairdressing, medical services, etc. Recently, as a result of an increase in the number of people keeping pets in our country, a number of zoo salons and places providing similar services have already begun to work in Baku, etc. Addresses of pet salons located in Baku are listed on our contact page. You can narrow down the list for more information.