Narimanov district, Alasgar Gayibov 10Q
We have compiled on one page a list of companies offering urban planning and construction services located in Baku. See the sections below for addresses and contact information.
In our modern world, the field of urban planning and construction is considered one of the fastest growing and important areas. Adaptation of cities to architecture, architectural style, the presence of private design, etc. such services are regulated and implemented by building departments. Issuance of permits for the construction of construction projects in the administrative district of the city, consideration of applications on the permitted parameters of the ongoing construction, verification of the compliance of the implemented construction plan with the urban planning documentation of the relevant district, etc. The permission for such work is mainly carried out by the Baku City Department of Architecture and Urban Planning as a state structure. If you are interested in the addresses and means of communication of construction and construction companies operating in our country, you can get complete information in the relevant section above on our page.