Sabail district, Nigar Rafibeyli 23
We present to you the stores operating in the sale of bags and suitcases together with their addresses.
Bags and suitcases are considered to be the main tools that ensure the orderly transportation of your clothes and personal belongings that you will need during your trip as well as on other trips. These tools also help to protect things. There are many variants of these functional products. Bags and suitcases are produced in different materials and in different sizes. Smaller suitcases are generally preferred for short-term trips. If it is intended to carry clothes for one person and the trip will be short, these models may be enough. Available in impact-resistant hard plastic, leather, and a variety of fabrics, these models are among the most popular small suitcases. In addition to these features, there are also color options to suit every taste. Suitcase models made of special impact-resistant material have 360-degree rotating wheels. Bag models can also be of various sizes and designs, mainly suitable for use. There are a number of stores selling bags and suitcase models in Baku as well as in other regions. The store addresses are listed on our page. you can meet.