Drinking water
Baku, Yasamal district,
Zahid Khalilov 74
break time
13:00 - 14:00
Yasamal park
AYMIA has been operating since 2011. Since we offer corporate clients special prices, many companies cooperate with us, as well as deliver orders to individual clients at home. We have won the love of customers with a fast delivery service, clear coordination and will always work according to this principle! AYMIA water, which fully complies with the standards of the State Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has certificates from this body. Our company cooperates with such companies as “PASHA CONSTRUCTION LLC”, ”AZ SERVICES”, “AR DİN İDMAN CƏMİYYƏTİ”, ”SMART MMC”, ”GARAGE PARKING MMC”, “NİMEX ”, “GROUP İNŞAAT ELEKTRİK MAZEMELERİ DIŞ TİCARƏT LİMİTED”, “DÖVLƏT NEFT FONDU” .