Professional cleaning of premises
Baku, Sabail district,
Bulbul avenue. 7
Sahil Business Center, 10th floor
Evrostar Cleaning Company is a reliable cleaning company in the field of providing a wide range of services to various places and their territories. Evrostar Cleaning Company has been operating since 2010 to manage real estate and provide comprehensive cleaning services to real estate. Professional equipment, experienced staff is a guarantee of high work efficiency and quality cleanliness. Our extensive experience in providing real estate services in various business areas allows our company to occupy one of the leading positions in the service market. This, in turn, provides customers with the maximum level of quality and uniform standards, regardless of the location and number of serviced facilities. We do all our work using special materials, equipment, chemicals that are safe for the environment and your health. The team of Evrostar Cleaning Company - professionals trained in this trend, whose work experience is based on dynamically developing business conditions, a young and purposeful team ready to perform any complex task, providing a quality and guaranteed service, providing a unified and common customer care. means like-minded people who serve a purpose.