Manufacture and sale of honey and beekeeping products



Sabirabad, Galagayin,
Industrial district

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 18:00

About the company

Our company "Kercom" was born as a result of family passion and hobby. In 2020, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the company's activity, since 2015, the company has been presented with the "Mr. Bee" trademark. However, we have been engaged in the production of honey and beekeeping products for more than 20 years.
It all started with our families and relatives raising bees, producing honey and beekeeping products for themselves and their needs. Over time, this business developed further and became a serious enterprise: production, packaging and sales. Our family successfully coped with this task and began to receive rave reviews from customers.
In 2015, we began to actively engage in the process. We discovered that the demand for honey and beekeeping products in the domestic market of Azerbaijan is many times higher than the supply. The reason for this was the lack of regulation of relations between producers and final consumers. And we decided to unite the farmers under the "Mr. Bee" trademark, focusing on cooperation with the main beekeeping farms of Azerbaijan.
Among the operating principles of our company, naturalness is the most basic principle, we pay more attention to it and ensure control. After reception, honey and beekeeping products are checked according to their organoleptic properties and assigned to one or another category. Then the whole product necessarily goes through laboratory research and certification. Thus, we ensure that all products belonging to the trademark "Mr. Bee" are of high quality.
