Asian food in Baku



Baku, Sabail district,
Shovkat Alakbarova 1

Monday - Sunday

12:00 - 01:00


About the company

Chinar has been famous Baku landmark and meeting place for decades. Today Chinar offers a range of dining and entertainment experiences that are amongst the finest in the world, created by international restaurant specialist Blue Sky Hospitality from London. Originally tea house under a cluster of chinar trees, Chinar has now been reborn as a magnificent building of contemporary architecture. The оriginal trees have been preserved on an outdoor terrace enhanced by bamboo screens and a tranquil water feature.
Chinar Is located near another famous Baku landmark: the statue of mythical Azeri hero Bahram Gur slaying a formidable dragon. This legend has been reinterpreted in the design of a mezzanine late night bar with DJ, sushi bar art videos; the Dragon Lounge.
