Electric repairing, measuring, installing and testing
Baku, Khirdalan city,
Acad. Hasan Aliyev 1
"Azerbaijan Energy Engineering and Consulting" (AEEC LLC) is a private company having more than 15 years of experience in energy sector. By June 2005, the company was operating as "Shems Energy" LTD, which was established through the merger of the research company "Mehri-2" (itself founded in 1994) and the company "RW Engineering and Consulting Company" (founded in 1996) in 1998. After June 2005 the company was renamed and restructured. "AEEC" performs large-scope consulting & research activities such as design of electrical portions of power stations, substations and electricity transmission lines, including: design of protection and automation systems; study of reliability of electricity supply schemes and quality parameters of electricity; calculation of short circuit and start-up and auto levels start of electric motors at industrial enterprises; working out and introduction of measures on their improvement; study of working regimes of electric equipment of enterprises and working out recommendations for their effective operation; study of reliability of existing and perspective power systems and working out recommendations for their effective operation; research and study of potential of non-traditional (renewable) energy sources; estimation of exploitation of hydrocarbon resources; feasibility study of oil and gas projects; creation of economical-financial evaluation models and software for financial-accounting reports; preparation of relevant database and package of applied programs; consulting and research services on strategic development, management, and government / private sector interfaces for Azerbaijan’s fuel and energy complex; macroeconomic modeling for projecting demand for energy resources; and economic and social analyzes and surveys. The company cooperates with a number of international organizations and companies, such as World Bank, British Petroleum, Asian Development Bank and USAID on various projects related to energy sector. "AEEC" also has significant long-term background experience in implementing about 20 consulting/research tasks for domestic enterprises, such as SOCAR, Azerenergy JSC, etc.