Supply company
Baku, Khatai district,
Afiyaddin Jalilov 78
White city
"Brevis" LLC is a general supply company. The company operates to meet the demand in the market as quickly as possible. The company supplies goods and materials for almost all sectors, including oil extraction equipment and construction materials. Also, the company is the official representative of German brand "KIS" pillows in Azerbaijan. The company provides the import and supply of the best quality pillows to the country. Our company currently cooperates closely with a number of companies, including the AR branch of "Balakhani Operating Company LTD". Serious work is being done for the rapid growth of our activity base. The goods and materials supplied by our company are as follows: 1) Pillows 2) Construction materials 3) Pumps for various purposes 4) Oil field equipment (plane, drawer, flange, etc.) 5) Various equipment 6 ) Pump and compressor supplies, etc.