Balakhani Eco-Industrial Park
Baku, Sabunchu district,
Balakhani road
break time
13:00 - 14:00
Balakhani Industrial Park was established by the Order No. 1947 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, dated December 28, 2011, and its foundation was laid on December 19, 2012 by the President of the country. Balakhani Industrial Park with a total area of 10.15 hectares is managed by Tamiz Shahar OJSC. Balakhani Industrial Park is an area with the necessary infrastructure and management facilities for entrepreneurship, used to produce competitive products and services through the application of modern technologies, which contributes to the development of green business. In order to ensure sustainable and efficient use of resources and minimize waste, production facilities, as well as waste treatment (recycling) and service facilities are being established in the Balakhani Industrial Park.
Advantages created by Balakhani Industrial Park for entrepreneurs:
Simplified registration on the principle of "single window";
Favorable tax benefits in accordance with the legislation;
Unified infrastructure in one place;
Reducing the impact on the environment as a result of green business activities;
Establishment and support of waste treatment (recycling) and production facilities;
Expanding the market for raw materials and products.
At present, 23 residents are registered to operate in Balakhani Industrial Park. Entrepreneurs interested in this field can apply to Tamiz Shahar OJSC