Protection of intellectual property, including copyright and related rights, registration of trademarks, service marks
Baku, Nasimi st.,
Azadlig ave. 56 C
break time
13:00 - 14:00
28 May
SERVICES • Questions on corporate right, preparation of documents and internal normative acts, participation in the meetings of founders and shareholders as an advisor; • All-sided assistance in economic activity, including licensing of economic activity, preparation of legal documentation regarding obtaining of any kind of licenses; • Representing legal and natural entities before governmental and non-governmental agencies, including in the activity carried out in foreign countries; • Making all types of changes in incorporation documents of entities, legal regulation of operations on determination and distribution of shares in companies; • Providing professional advices on the labor and tax legislation, making tax payments optimal, protection in tax inspections; • Legal accompanying regarding turnover of securities: shares, bills; • Preparation, expertise of all kinds of contracts, legal regulation of economic activity; • Complex legal expertise of investment projects, ensuring all kind registration, customs and other procedures regarding these projects; • Protection of intellectual property, including registration of copyright and related rights, trademarks, service marks; • Pretension work, solving disputes prior to court, legal negotiations, representing interests in economic, administrative, arbitration, general and international courts, preparation of claims and other documents, including preparation of appeal and cassation complaints and conducting of the cases in the mentioned instance courts; • Solution of legal disputes arising from family-marriage relations; • Legal solution of insurance cases; • Legal aid on criminal cases; • Conducting cases in the stage of execution of the judicial decisions.