Filter Banquet Hall


Banquet Hall

We have collected wedding palaces in Baku and their names on one page. You can see the sections below for addresses and contact information.

TERLAN SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Binaqadi district, Mir-Jalal 115 A
TURAL PALACE House of Celebrations 
  • Khatai district, Babek av. 23/15
TURAN SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Binaqadi district, Rashid İsmayilov 70
ULU BORCALI SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Nizami district, Sharifli 15
ULVI SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Sabunchu district, Yaver Aliyev 31
  • Ahmadli village, Nasraddin Tusi 14
UZEYIR SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Binaqadi district, Mir-Jalal 105
VAHID SARAY House of Celebrations 
  • Sabail district, Sulh 1
VENERA BANQUET HALL 50-150 seat small hall 
  • Nizami district, Babek av. 22/24
  • Khatai district, Samad bey Mehmandarov 392

Banquet Hall

Marriage is the first step towards happiness for life. When you are celebrating your wedding day and it is the most beautiful day to get married, with your loved ones and those who love you and you want everything to go well, the choice of wedding palaces is important for this. Currently, there are enough wedding halls both in Baku and in the regions. The catalog of wedding halls is updated as the number increases. If you are looking for wedding halls in Baku, then you have come to the right address. You can get acquainted with the list of Wedding Palaces from the relevant sections above.

We have compiled a list of wedding palaces into one list so that you can get it in a more convenient form. You can find the addresses of wedding palaces in Baku from the above section.

Find all the palaces of Baku with addresses on the map and contact information. Click on the link to get more detailed information about wedding palaces in Baku.
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