Filter Construction equipment


Construction equipment

Construction Equipment - Browse the list of addresses of companies offering tools used in the repair and construction industry.

CASPIAN SERVICES Rent and repair of construction equipment 
  • Narimanov district, Heydar Aliyev ave. 103
  • Ulduz
DIZEL.AZ Large notice board for sale of special equipment 
  • Narimanov district, Ziya Bunyadov 106 Б
DOORS GALLERY Sale of doors and door accessories 
  • Narimanov district, Agaoglu Akhmedbey 12
  • Ganjlik
EQUIPMENT RENTAL SERVICES Loading works and loading equipment 
  • Sabail district, Salyan highway 15
EVIMMART We are always ahead with our quality! 
  • Garadag district, Sadarak-Lokbatan road
FDS Supply of construction and architectural projects 
  • Sabail district, Uzeyir Hajibeyov 57
  • 28 May
FONTAN Complex of works on designing, assembling, installation of fountains 
  • Yasamal district, Hasanbey Zardabi 43
  • Inshaatchilar
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY Building materials and equipment, tools and electrical appliances 
  • Bailov village, Gurban Aliyev 28, кв. 12
  • Sabail district, Salyan highway 3
  • Narimanov district, Ziya Bunyadov 90, Minera Plaza, 4-й этаж

Construction equipment

Modern construction equipment is widely used in the repair and construction work of buildings and structures. Repair construction equipment is needed at all stages of work. Construction equipment includes industrial, heavy and light equipment, pipe connectors, as well as repair tools necessary for domestic use. In Baku, as well as in other regions, there are a number of companies involved in the sale of repair and construction equipment. The addresses of these companies are listed on our page, you can see.
