Filter IT services


IT services

You can view a list of names and addresses of companies offering IT services. For more information about companies, see the relevant section below.

  • Nasimi st., Shamil Azizbeyov 140
  • 28 May
  • Nasimi st., Nizami st. 129 E
  • 28 May
  • Nasimi st., Bakikhanov ave. 24
NT Programming, registration app.enov, web-design 
  • Nasimi st., Nizami st. 203
NZT Software 
  • Nizami district, Sharifli 2593
ONE DEGREE Professional IT services 
  • Nasimi st., 2, кв.1
ONYX IT Support & IT Services 
  • Yasamal district, Hasan Majidov 14
  • Elmlar Akademiyasi
PARALEL DIGITAL GROUP (ES SALMANOV E.E.) Digital products, social media, creative + content, mobile + web 
  • Yasamal district, Basti Bagirova 12, 4-й этаж
PITS IT services, IT support services, installation services, network cabling, IT consulting and audit, digital expertise 
  • Sabail district, Salyan highway 32, 5-я улица
PRODEV IT, programming, server, network solutions, branding, social media marketing, searching engine optimization, design 
  • Narimanov district, Ahmad Rajabli 2
  • Nariman Narimanov

IT services

The high development of information technology today is one of the main factors that have a sufficient impact on the activities, principles of work and efficiency of many organizations, companies and state enterprises. Information technology is a broad concept. This is a set of methods, production processes and technical software tools that ensure the collection, processing, storage, transmission and connection of information in a technological chain in order to reduce the weight of the processes of using information resources, increase their reliability and efficiency. The application of information technology in new business areas is generally referred to as IT services. Currently, there are enough companies providing IT services on the market. Addresses and contact details of companies offering IT services in Baku are listed on our page. Please refer to the relevant section above for details.
