Filter IT services


IT services

You can view a list of names and addresses of companies offering IT services. For more information about companies, see the relevant section below.

ERP12 RESTORAN AVTOMATLASDIRMA SISTEMI Biznes Proseslərinin Avtomatlaşdırılması 
  • Narimanov district, Aliyar Aliyev 52A
  • Nariman Narimanov
  • Narimanov district, Talat Shixaliyev 20
FABOSOFT IT solution 
  • Narimanov district, 8
  • Nariman Narimanov
FATECH Informasiya Texnologiyaları 
  • Sabail district, Neftchilar ave. 151
  • Sahil
FORTINECH We are a team that constantly follows and implements new technologies, and shares them with you! 
  • Narimanov district, Ziya Bunyadov ave. 1965
  • Nariman Narimanov
FROGSLAND AGENCY Creating digital products 
  • Yasamal district, Jafar Jabbarli 44
  • Nizami
GADIMLIE İT services 
  • Yasamal district, Hasanbey Zardabi 84
GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ICT-audit and consulting to create IT infrastructure 
  • Nasimi st., Azadlig ave. 192E
  • Nasimi st., Nizami st. 203
HEWLETT-PACKARD AZERBAIJAN Represantation of HP in Azerbaijan 
  • Sabail district, Nizami st. 69
  • Sahil

IT services

The high development of information technology today is one of the main factors that have a sufficient impact on the activities, principles of work and efficiency of many organizations, companies and state enterprises. Information technology is a broad concept. This is a set of methods, production processes and technical software tools that ensure the collection, processing, storage, transmission and connection of information in a technological chain in order to reduce the weight of the processes of using information resources, increase their reliability and efficiency. The application of information technology in new business areas is generally referred to as IT services. Currently, there are enough companies providing IT services on the market. Addresses and contact details of companies offering IT services in Baku are listed on our page. Please refer to the relevant section above for details.
