- Narimanov district, Acad. Hasan Aliyev 57
Looking for stores that sell curtains and blinds? We have collected the addresses of stores that sell curtains in one list.
Curtain blinds are among the curtain models that stand out in home decoration. From the kitchen to the living room, from the study to the bedroom, you can choose blinds for many different rooms. Available in oak, walnut, natural, black, white and many more colors, wooden blind models bring new life to your home with their modern look. Curtain blinds allow you to adjust the amount of incoming light with its adjustable horizontal mechanism. There are enough shops selling blinds in Baku. Here you can easily find the model you want in home decor among blinds, blinds, tulle, fabric, vertical curtain models and many more options. The prices of blinds vary mainly depending on the quality of the material from which they are made. We have compiled a list of stores that sell curtains and blinds on our page. You can refine the addresses and contact details from the list above.