Sabail district, Abdulkarim Alizadeh 10
Addresses and hotline information of the light department located in Baku city and regions in one list.
It is possible to place or obtain information interactively on the map, which is applied for the first time in Azerbaijan, by means of the light management "Call Center". It is possible to monitor the newly installed Complete Transformer Stations (KTM), their number, location, and technical indicators on the electronic map. The light management determines the location of the accident on the map using the mobile operator and subscription code of the request received by the hotline or call center and transmits a signal to the system. Through the SCADA system, the area where there is an interruption in the power supply is supplied with electricity from an alternative source for a few seconds through a single platform. At the same time, based on the information received on the hotline, the lighting department is directed to the scene of the accident by the Electric Network. Thus, the lighting management, SCADA system and Electric Network implement the applications received through the integrated Unified Platform and Map in parallel. If you want to get the lighting control contact number or address for any query, check out our page.