Yasamal district, Inshaatchilar ave. 7
Elmlar Akademiyasi
If you are looking for secondary schools located in Baku and their addresses, you have come to the right place. See the menu section below for more information.
Secondary school education is an important element of education that forms the basic knowledge and skills of a child in modern society. Secondary education in public schools in Azerbaijan is free. Most of the secondary schools located in Baku, as well as schools located in other regions, are run by the state. However, there are paid secondary schools, gymnasiums and gymnasiums in our country, mainly in Baku. In addition to studying in these lyceums, the grades are also at a high level. In addition, this special general education school is included in the list of the best general education schools in Baku. In our directory of secondary schools and lyceums on our page you can find the addresses of most private secondary schools operating in Baku and a list of secondary schools operating in other states.