Filter Agency for Patents and Trademarks


Agency for Patents and Trademarks

Center for Patents and Trademarks, information about patent agencies in this list. Browse the list for addresses and agency information.

AZERBAIJAN FRANCHISING CENTER Conducting research, creating a concept and forming a franchise package 
  • Binaqadi district, Ahmad Rajabli 299
  • Azadlig prospekti
B. KHALILOV & CO Law firms in Baku 
  • Nasimi st., Shovgiyar Abdullayev 23, офис 80
  • 28 May
BIPA - BAKU INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AGENCY Services in the field of intellectual property 
  • Narimanov district, Ashig Molla Juma 32, квартира 62
LSM LUCKSEM İntellektual əmlak sahəsində xidmətlər 
  • Sabail district, Gasr 23
  • Icherisheher

Agency for Patents and Trademarks

The Patent Office or the Center for Patents and Trademarks are designed to promote the technological development of our country, provide an environment for free competition within the country, and promote research and development. It aims to create and protect patent, trademark and industrial property rights regulated by law, and to provide local and foreign information and documents related to these rights in the public interest.
