Yasamal district, Fuad Ibragimbekov 19/21
Looking for companies that offer logistics and transport services? You can check the addresses of companies operating in the field of logistics services from the list below.
Logistics is an economic discipline, management unit aimed at studying the features of supply, supply, transportation, control and management of all processes related to transportation. It is based on legal norms and the laws of the market. Logistics services require competent planning and optimization of transport activities. In order to organize the process of storage and transportation of goods from the producer to the final consumer, the enterprise can create its own logistics department or ask for help from third-party (outsourcing) international trade and other companies that provide logistics services. Depending on the characteristics of the business, different transport schemes can be used. There are many companies providing logistics services and transportation services in our country. Addresses and contact details of logistics companies, logistics centers and companies providing such services in Azerbaijan are listed on our page. For more detailed information, you can refer to the relevant section above.