Filter Confectioneries



Cake, cupcakes, chocolate, etc. narrow down the list with the addresses of stores that sell confectionery products.

ROYAL DIAMOND (ЧП RZABEYOV Y.R.) Confectionery and Jewelry Shop in Baku 
  • Sabail district, Rashid Behbudov 22, около Ахундовской библиотеки
  • Sahil
RUGGIS SWEETS (1) Sweets house 
  • Narimanov district, Ibrahim Pasha Dadashov 50 B
RUGGIS SWEETS (2) Sweets house 
  • Nasimi st., Nizami st. 123B
RUGGIS SWEETS (3) Sweets house 
  • Narimanov district, Aga Neymatulla 211 А
SAFFAROV'S PASTRY French eclairs 
  • Sabail district, Azadlig ave. 5
SHERBET sweets house  
  • Sabail district, Nizami st. 77
SHIRIN ART CAFE Cupcakes in Baku 
  • Yasamal district, Jafar Jabbarli 14 A
  • Yasamal district, Abdulla Shaig 216
  • Nizami
SIRR (3) Sweets 
  • Yasamal district, Huseyn Javid ave. 47 F
  • Elmlar Akademiyasi
SIRR SHIRNIYYAT EVI (1) (ES ALIYEV T.S.) Event, ceremonies organisation 
  • Narimanov district, Heydar Aliyev ave. 68
  • Nariman Narimanov


When talking about confectionary products, the sweets that each of us loves are cakes, cupcakes, chocolates, etc. remembers. These confectionery products, which are widely used in our diet, are divided into 2 types: floury and sugary. Pies, cupcakes, cookies, pancakes, waffles, cakes, etc. sweets such as can be attributed to flour confectionery products. Marmalade, jam, jam, povidlo, caramel, chocolate are considered sugar confectionery products. The number of shops selling confectionery products in Baku is sufficient. The addresses of shops selling cakes, cupcakes, chocolate and other confectionery products are listed on our page.
