Filter Pharmaceutical companies


Pharmaceutical companies

We have collected the names of pharmaceutical companies and institutions located in Baku on one page so that you can easily find them. Check out the categories section below for more information.

NOVO NORDISK Represantation in Baku 
  • Khatai district, Khojaly ave. 37, 6-й этаж
  • Khatai
PASHA-K Drug supply 
  • Khatai district, Zikh highway 44 С
PFIZER Preparations for the treatment and prevention of various diseases 
  • Nasimi st., Nizami st. 90 A
  • 28 May
POLPHARMA Manufacture of medicines 
  • Yasamal district, Jafar Jabbarli 44, 6-й этаж
  • Nizami
PROFARMA European medicines 
  • Narimanov district, Alasgar Gayibov 10 G
PRUDENS PHARMA Pharmaceutical companies 
  • Narimanov district, 9
QIRXBULAQ Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 
  • Binaqadi district, Farman Malikov 31/23, 7-й мкр.
  • Darnagul
REPHARMA Quality drugs - the guarantee of a healthy lifestyle 
  • Yasamal district, Mirali Seyidov 19 А
  • Elmlar Akademiyasi
ROCHE AZERBAIJAN "Roche" that saves the lives of patients, significantly prolongs and improves the quality of life, produces innovative, effective, safe and quality medicines  
  • Narimanov district, Alasgar Gayibov 10 Q, SDM Plaza, 3-й этаж
  • Bakmil (Depo)
  • Sabunchu district, Mukhtar Fataliyev 68

Pharmaceutical companies

Pharmaceutical companies are enterprises that supply well-known and traditional medicines to the pharmaceutical market of Azerbaijan. The high and noble mission of caring for human health predetermines the constant development of pharmaceutical companies and the release of new drugs. In our directory of pharmaceutical companies on our page you can find a list of all pharmaceutical companies operating in Azerbaijan. Pharmaceutical companies in Baku - phone numbers, addresses, etc. mentioned in detail.
