Filter Minimarkets


Minimarket chains

We have collected the addresses of minimarkets and stores operating near your location in one list.

  • Absheron district, 26-й квартал, 8-й участок
OBA MARKET KHIRDALAN 28TH BLOCK Airan, curds, cheese 
  • Absheron district, 28-й квартал
  • Absheron district, Баладжары пос., ул. 1-я Промысловая, 6
  • Absheron district, Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh 32
  • Абдуллаевой Ганифы 6
OBA MARKET LANKARAN FIZULI STR. Energy drinks, alcohol, natural juice 
  • Fizuli 5
OBA MARKET LANKARAN G.Z.TAGIEV STR. Tea, coffee, cacao drink 
  • Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev 138 A
  • Zarifa Aliyeva 68
OBA MARKET NIZAMI BAZAAR Cleaning tools, food 
  • Nizami district, Bahruz Nuriyev возле базара
OBA MARKET SEIDZADE HUSEIN STR. Butter, meat, milk, vegetables 
  • Nasimi st., Huseyn Seidzadeh 37

Minimarket chains

Currently, the constant increase of new supermarket chains has caused serious competition for minimarket owners. However, despite this, minimarkets or in other words neighborhood markets are still trying to continue their activities. There are a number of key factors that help minimarket owners get great advantages. The advantages of a minimarket are that, first of all, it is closer in terms of distance, and there are a number of differences in terms of price, that more consumed food products are sold, etc. for example. Minimarket and similar small stores are more accessible to the population. Detailed information about other small stores such as minimarket located in Baku and their addresses is shown on our page. Browse the list for more information.
