Legal assistance in Baku



Baku, Khatai district,
8 Noyabr (Nobel) ave. 15

38, 7th floor

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 18:00

break time

13:00 - 14:00



Azure Biznes Center

About the company

"ACE Group Consultants" is a consulting services company incorporated and operating in Azerbaijan since 2013 render a wide range of services in all legal, project assessment, economic, tax/audit, accounting, HR and other aspects of business (hereinafter referred to as the “ACE”). The "ACE" services are provided by a highly qualified team of Azeri, English, German, Russian and Kazakh speaking specialists having more than 10 years of experience in legal and tax consulting, accounting, audit conducting for the oil, gas, energy, construction, agriculture and other industries. The "ACE" specialists also have a significant experience in implementing complicated both local and the EU, UN, World Bank and ADB international projects, which require high professionalism, unconventional approach and deep knowledge of industries and the market. "ACE" has developed a solid reputation as a professional, reliable and efficient Legal Services Company as a result of highly-qualified work performed by each partners’ experienced experts. While working on any particular project the "ACE" experts work together in a team in order to achieve a common goal with a high proficiency and efficiency. Each expert of the team has knowledge specific to a field of work, necessary education, duly trained in the area of expertise and ambitious in delivering the most quality output to the client. "ACE" team of experts are specialized in the following areas of expertise: • Agriculture • Construction • Banking and finance • Business management • Business registration • Company Law • Company Taxes and Accounts • Consumer protection • Contract review and drafting • Customs • Employment • Energy / EE & RES • Environment and Climate Change • EU Legislation • Food safety • HR • Immigration • Insurance • Intellectual property • Land • Licenses • Litigation & Dispute Resolution • Protection of health • Public procurement • Real estate • Technical rules and standards • Telecommunications • Transport.
