Ministry Of Transport, Communications And High Technologies Of Azerbaijan Republic



Baku, Sabail district,
Zarifa Aliyeva 77

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 18:00

break time

13:00 - 18:00

About the company

Communication has very ancient history in Azerbaijan, mail was delivered via messengers since ancient times. Communication in Azerbaijan was implemented by messengers, camel caravans and etc. Mail in Azerbaijan was officially founded in 1501 by head of Azerbaijan Safavid State Shah Ismayil Khatai. Creation of post in modern form dates back to the first half of XIX century. 1818 First post office was opened in Ganja. 1860 Baku main post office was established attached to Baku province. 1864 On January 21, first telegraph line connecting Nakhchivan and Julfa on the border of Iran was commissioned. 1880 In December, first telephone line was built in Azerbaijan by “Caucasus and Mercury” steamship company. The line connected the office of “Caspian” oil company in Baku port with the society’s main office located in Naberejnaya street. In January, 1881 ‘Nobel Brothers’ society applied to Baku governor, general-lieutenant Pozen in order to obtain permission for construction of telegraph line and such a permission was given on February 18. On November 23 of the same year, 6-km long first telephone line connecting the chairman and senior engineer’s houses with the main office of Nobel Brothers’ society was commissioned. Officially, this line is considered the first telephone line in Azerbaijan, and the date coincides with the establishment of telephone communication. 1886 On May 26, an agreement was signed between Main Post and Telegraph Department and Moscow first degree merchant Qustav Ivanovich List for creation of first centralized switched telephone network in Baku and commissioning it for 20 years. Centralized switched telephone network in Baku had 40 users. 1900 Transportation of mail via railway started between Baku and Derbend. Centralized switched telephone network in Baku had 1146 users. On December 29 ‘Noble Brothers’ society presented information, upon appeal of chief of Baku Mail Telegraph Office, on number, address of phone units, distances from ATEs. 1918 Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, first democratic state in East, was established on May 28.And from the first days of its establishment it did important work in the development of mail and communication. Mail and Telegraph Ministry of the independent Azerbaijan was established. First communication ministers were Kh. Melikaslanov, A.Ashurov and J.Hajinsky. 1919 On March 1, Azerbaijan Telegraph Agency was founded. On March 15 exchange of money orders, registered letters, parcels and mail was implemented between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Azerbaijan’s first postage stamp on Azerbaijani soldier was issued on October 20. 1920 Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan on April 28 and Mail and Telegraph Commissariat was established. 1926 Radio broadcasting in Azerbaijan was aired regularly starting from November 6, first wired radio broadcasting was launched for the first time. 1953 Till 1953 communication in Azerbaijan was managed by permanent representative of the USSR Communications Ministry to Azerbaijan. In 1953, Azerbaijan SSR Communications Ministry was established. 1956 On February 14, Baku TV center was launched, TV broadcasting (AzTV-1) started functioning in Azerbaijan for the first time. In late of 50s of last century, the issue of training of specialists in the field of communications became a current issue. In 1959, the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR adopted a decision to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of communications at higher educational institutions of the republic, first graduation ceremony of engineers on speciality of telephone and telegraph communications held at Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute in 1965. On January 31, 1964 Baku TV Center started rebroadcasting of television programs from Moscow central TV. Until 1968, TV broadcasting in the country covered Shirvan, Goychay and Ganja cities. Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani communication There is Heydar Aliyev stage in the development of communication in Azerbaijan as it is in all spheres. Despite certain actions were taken during soviet time in Azerbaijani communication in the 60s level of this field in the republic was too lower than other republics of the union. Only after 1969 when national leader Heydar Aliyev started to lead the republic this field, like other ones, entered the stage of strong development. 1970-1980: Major development era of communication in Azerbaijan happened in the 70-80s. Special attention to this field by Heydar Aliyev who led the country those years is widely reflected in the official documents of those years. Issue regarding the state of communication means in the republic and actions for future development was raised on June 24, 1970 in the office of Central Committee on the initiative and under leadership of Heydar Aliyev and historical decision was made. The decision considered state of phone communication unsatisfactory in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja cities, noted in a number of regional centers manual phone stations are in use, half of state farms and 25% of collective farms supplied with telephones, set development and improvement of communication means as one of most important duties of Communications Ministry. Construction of buildings for 16 communication centers in 1971-75, construction of ATE buildings by city executive committees, including construction of 1 ATE building in Baku yearly, purchase of ATE equipment and construction of technological equipment by Communications Ministry, allocation of required funds for all this and implementation of other important measures were included in the decision. In 1976 power of Baku Telephone network was increased over 20 times in comparison with 1927, phone had become an integral part of life of people in Azerbaijan. In 1970-80s communication developed not only in Baku in regions as well. These years 5-floor special communication building was commissioned in Ganja where ATE with 8000 numbers, intercity ATE and telegraph and radio equipment was installed, ATE with 9000 numbers in Sumgayit, the one with 5000 numbers in Nakhchivan were commissioned, construction of ATEs in other cities and regions was implemented. A duty was set before Communications Ministry of the republic to build ATEs with 164,4,000 numbers and mounting issues in 1974-1980s.A plan in connection with the construction and commissioning of new ATEs was approved, and it allowed to obtain new achievements in the field of communications. The volume of the installed telephones in republic in 1980 was 279,1,000 numbers, 274,12,000 of which were mini ATEs. Total number of subscribers of the city phone system was 234,7,000, which was 1.4 times more in comparison with 1975. Those years mail, telegraph and TV-radio transmission developed much. The construction of Baku Railway Post Office, Communications House, buildings for communication centers in regional centers and more than 300 post office buildings were built then. Project of 310-meter New TV Tower that was to be built near old TV tower in Baku was approved by the commission created on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev in 1979 and construction started on October 1981. But because of some reasons commissioning of the unit was delayed and only after second arrival of national leader Heydar Aliyev to the leadership in the republic the tower was commissioned. 1993-2003: Development of communications in the republic sharply declined in the years of 1985-1993, because of reasons which were known to everybody. II stage started in the development of national communication of Azerbaijan due to direct care and attention by Heydar Aliyev who was elected President of the country in 1993.Due to wise policy of the leader of the country foreign investors were involved in the country, a real turn started in the development of communications. From 1993 foreign communication companies such as Teletash and Netash of Turkey installed modern electronic ATEs in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja cities and other regions, International Phone Station with 2000 channels was installed in Aztelecom PA, Republican intercity telephone station with 6150 channels, Bakcell providing cellular communication system due to the funds of Motorola, Azercell with Turkish communications companies and other joint ventures were created. All this was new stage of development of communication in Azerbaijan thanks to the care and attention of Heydar Aliyev. It is not by accident that country public and press called 1998 the year of turn in communication, year of technical revolution. In those years ATEs with 108,000 numbers were commissioned in the republic. In 1998-2003 modern ATEs 40/41, 30/31, 50, 54, 56, 21/22, 27, 32 in Baku, as well in Ganja, Mingechevir, Barda, Yevlakh, Guba, Gusar, Devechi, Sheki, Gakh, Oghuz, Lankaran and other regions were built and commissioned, Nakhchivan AR was fully supplied with telephones, all settlements in Azerbaijan were supplied with 1 phone at least. Due to the work done in 1993-2003 48.4% of telephone network of the country and 100% of telephone system of Nakhchivan AR were provided with electronic system, number of main telephone that was 611,5,000 in 1991 was increased up to 1 million, the republic joined Trans-Asia-Europe cable highway, all Baku villages and settlements, settlements in all regions were provided with telephones, all areas of the country have access to the Internet, 80% of communication among stations in telephone communication system was organized in digital form. The approval of the order on the “National Strategy on information communication technologies for the sake of development of Azerbaijan Republic (2003-2012)” by national leader Heydar Aliyev on February 17, 2003 was one of the most important steps taken in the direction of the development of communication in Azerbaijan in 1993-2003 and at present policy being realized in the country was built just on this strategy. Creation of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Against the background of rapidly development of high technologies, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on February 20, 2004 on abolishing the Ministry of Communications and establishing on its basis Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies. It was an important step taken for future development of this sphere and creation opportunities for every citizen to enjoy modern information communications technologies. The development of ICT and its comprehensive application became one of major directions of Azerbaijan Republic on the way of forming a new high technology and knowledge-based economy. Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, being responsible state body for this field and coordinator of relevant State Program, organized many-branched activities in the direction of upgrading of telecommunications infrastructure, application of new technologies, improvement of regulating functions, regulation and liberalization of ICT market as well as enhancement of production potential of this sphere. 2004 On August 1, Baku city telephone network changed over to 7-digit numbering system 2005 Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Telecommunications" was adopted on June 14 On October 1, NGN- new generation of network equipment was introduced in Baku for the first time in Azerbaijan and CIS space On December 30, Azerfon LLC was granted a special permit (license) for the organization of GSM mobile service. Thus, the third operator entered the market of mobile communication. 2006 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order to establish a professional holiday of workers in the field of communications and information technologies. December 6 was announced a professional holiday of workers in the field of communications and information technologies. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev declared the use of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan a priority sector at a conference held on February 13, 2007, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the state program on “Socio-economic development of Azerbaijani regions (in 2004-2008)”. More and more attention has been paid to the development of this sector since then, application of information technologies in all spheres of life is of great importance for the government, because today ICT plays the role of catalyst of competitiveness and economic growth. 2008 Remote and small settlements of Azerbaijan were supplied with telephones for the first time in the post-soviet area. A software for speech recognition in the Azerbaijani language was created as part of project DILMANC. 2009 Implementation of the project “National Computer” was launched to increase computerization level in the country. On December 21, 64th session of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution related to Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway. Azerbaijan started to establish its space industry. 2010 The electronization process of telephone network in the country’s regions was fully completed. Azercosmos OJSC was established. Post offices started rendering new banking-financial services. 2011 Important work was done in the direction of building e-government in the country, state agencies started providing e-services. 2012 State Fund for Development of Information Technologies was established. On November 5, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on establishment of High Technologies Park. 2013 2013 was declared The Year of Information and Communication Technologies in Azerbaijan by Decree № 2664 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 16. On February 5, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on approving the Regulations on the portal e-government and measures to increase electronic services. On February 8, within the framework of the Year of ICT the first satellite of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Azerspace-1 was launched into orbit from Kourou, the Space Center of French Guiana. The Regulations on the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, as well as the Rules for the use of the funds were approved by Presidential Decree dated 2 April. The Regulations on the Electronic Security Center under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies was approved by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 5, as well as Azerbaijani President issued a decree on the activity of the Electronic Security Center. Mobile Device Registration System was established and began operating on May 1. Online registration of domain names was launched on October 2. Having moved 5 positions forward Azerbaijan ranked 56th among 144 countries on Networked Readiness Index in The Global Information Technology Report 2013 of the World Economic Forum. According to the report, Azerbaijan is the leader among the CIS countries and Central Asia for the number of Internet users, as well as the country ranked 8th in “Government’s success in supporting ICT” among 144 countries, 9th position for “The importance of ICT in future outlook of the Government”, 20th - in the index “Internet access”. In The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 of the World Economic Forum, Azerbaijan ranked 39th for the “Global Competitiveness Index” among 148 countries and compared to previous year’s ranking, having moved 7 spots forward, Azerbaijan maintained its leading position in the CIS compared to the last year’s rating. Moving 7 steps forward in comparison with the previous report Azerbaijan ranked 61st for “ICT Development Index” (IDI) among 157 countries in the report “Measuring the Information Society-2013” of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In general, large-scale measures were taken to develop the sector in 2013, positive results were obtained, and from this point of view the Year of Information and Communication Technologies was a memorable event. 2014 On February 25, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a decree on making amendments in the presidential decree №111 dated August 10, 2004 “On approval of Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan”. Creation of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies On March 7, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on the establishment of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On March 7, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on appointing Ali Mammad oglu Abbasov Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020 was approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 2, 2014. On May 8, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on establishment of the National Nuclear Research Center CJSC under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan for peaceful use of nuclear technologies. On May 15, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on approving the “Model Regulations on Technology Park”. The structure of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 19, 2014. The Regulations of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan were approved by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 19, 2014. On November 4, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on application of Law No.1028 -IVQD of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 30, 2014 “On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Post” and “On amendments to Decree No.17 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated November 11,2008 on application of Law No. 696-IIIQD of Azerbaijan Republic dated October 2, 2008 “On amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Postal Communications”. On December 2, within the framework of strategic cooperation in the field of space industry between Azerbaijan and France, the optical earth observation satellite Spot 7 high resolution (1.5 m imagery products) renamed as Azersky put into orbit in June 2014, was handed over to Azercosmos OJSC. The agreement was signed at BakuTel 2014 Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition with the participation of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, His Excellency Ilham Aliyev. On December 15, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of post between the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. On December 15, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. On December 29, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the approval of the agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of National Development of Hungary for the establishment of Regional Data Center in Azerbaijan Republic and in the field of application of innovative technologies. 2015 On February 19, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of State of Qatar. On February 27, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the establishment of Mingachevir High-Tech Park. On November 12, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on dismissal of Ali Mammad oglu Abbasov from the post of Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On November 25, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on the appointment of Ramin Namig oglu Guluzade as First Deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On December 2, Azercosmos OJSC, the premier satellite operator in the Caucasus, signed an agreement with French Arianespace on putting the second telecommunications satellite Azerspace-2 into orbit. The agreement was signed at BakuTel 2015 Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition with the participation of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, His Excellency Ilham Aliyev. 2016 On January 15, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on dismissal of Ramin Namig oglu Guluzade from the post of First Deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On January 15, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on the appointment of Ramin Namig oglu Guluzade to the post of Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On February 26, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on the amendments to Order No.885 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 3, 2010 “On the establishment of Azercosmos Open Joint-Stock Company”. On February 26, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an order on the amendments to Order No.442 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 8, 2014, “On the establishment of the National Nuclear Research Center Closed Joint-Stock Company under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. On March 10, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on application of Law No. 143-VQD of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 4, 2016 “On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Post”. On March 17, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies between the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the United Arab Emirates. On June 24, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on amendments to the “Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved by Decree No.185 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 19, 2014. On June 24, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a decree on amendments to Decree No.115 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 31, 2004 “On application of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Post”.
