Air conditioning, chiller systems, VRV systems, ventilation and etc.



Баку, Хатаинский р-он,
пр. Бабека 86

Понедельник - Суббота

09:00 - 18:00

Подробнее о компании

Компания "NEP ENGINEERING" предоставляет Вам: -Отопительные оборудования, -Системы кондицирования, -Охладители и фанкойлы, -Кондиционеры, вытяжки, прожекторы, -Системы вентиляции, -Системы VRV, -Стальные панельные радиаторы, -Комби, -Промышленные горелки и котлы. *** NEP Engineering company was established in 1993 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Since its establishment, “NEP Engineering” was involved in production and commercial activities. In 1997, NEP Engineering requalified its business activity to air conditioning, chiller systems, VRV systems, ventilation, heating systems, boiler systems and Cat Eyes manufacturing. During the past years, “NEP Engineering” has become one of the recognized local suppliers of air conditioning and heating systems. NEP Enigneering have started construction business in Ankara-TURKEY in 2006. We have completed construction projects in Turkey and around countries like Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, etc.We have established branches offices in North Cyprus, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. We have business all those counties and Iraq and Bulgaria, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia.
