Служба поддержки, облачные, проводные и беспроводные сети, Интернет, продажи IT-оборудования
Баку, Хатаинский р-он,
Ходжалы пр. 13
AGA Business Center
Наша профессиональная, высококвалифицированная команда решит любую проблему, с которой вы можете столкнуться с вашим компьютерным оборудованием в течение рабочего дня. ***** HELP DESK: Our professional, highly qualified team will solve any issue you may face with your computer equipment during a working day. CLOUD: We offer electronic correspondence within yours, and related companies, such as: Email, Document Management, Communicator. INTERNET: We provide high-speed and high-quality internet through fiber optic line in Business Centers including Landmark Building. SALES: We sell computer equipment (PCs, servers, printers, scanners, fax machines, modems etc.), original cartridges (toners etc.) for printing machines and all kinds of licensed software (Microsoft, Lingvo, Anti-virus etc.) PROJECTS: We design, plan, and implement wired and wireless networks, install and maintain servers and next-generation telephone systems.