Supply chain at oil & gas industry
Баку, Наримановский р-он.,
Зия Буньятов 2075
13:00 - 14:00
"Leading Supply Solutions" LLC является фирмой-поставщиком, которая обслуживает крупнейшие компании в сфере строительства, нефти и газа. "LSS" предлагает широкий ассортимент товаров и услуг, таких как промышленное оборудование и запасные части, средства индивидуальной защиты, подъемное оборудование, промышленные расходные материалы, инструменты, сварочные материалы и оборудования для строительства и нефтегазовой промышленности, а также других промышленных областей. * * * * * "Leading Supply Solutions" LLC is a leading supply chain company that serves the biggest companies involved in construction and Oil & Gas industry in Azerbaijan, as well as other CIS countries. "LSS" offers a wide portfolio of goods and services as industrial equipment and spare parts, personal safety equipment and consumables, lifting safety equipment and spare parts, industrial consumables, drilling and general usage tools, welding materials and equipments such as Magmaweld, Force, Beta, Bosch, Telwin, Clipper, Mosa, Netlift, Netmak, Stanley, Skyjack, Kleiberit, Cağsan, Dewalt, Fluke, Ridgid, Honda, 3M, Chicago Pneumatic, Drager, Genpower, Aksa, Victor, Rothenberger, Henkel, Giacomini, Norton, Ozaylar, Yildiz, Grabond etc. for construction and Oil & Gas industry as well as other industrial fields. "LSS" has proudly been a reliable partner for a number of leading local and international companies in Azerbaijan and Georgia, including, but not limited to Halliburton, Schlumberger, Caspian Pipe Coatings, Holcim, Azfen/Tekfen, SOCAR, Saipem, Bos-Shelf, Topaz Marine, CNIM, Baku Shipyard, Pasha Construction, Azersu, DIA Holding, Hidropark, ILK Construction, Silk Way Construction, Baku White City, STP, EDC, STORK, Gilan Construction, A+A, Akkord Construction, CMS, Rigmarine, AAC etc. Our company develops its business range around today's major industrial sectors and can offer dozens of customers, from any industry, the fast and flexible supply solutions they need and according to ISO 9001 requirements, we provide a broad range of high-quality products and services.