Sumqayıt Kimya Sənaye Parkı
Баку, Хатаинский р-он,
Ходжалы пр. 37, "Demirchi Tower", 20-й этаж
The Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park under Ministry of Economic Development was established by the Decree №548 of the President of Azerbaijan Republic on December 21, 2011. The global development vision of SCIP is to become the chemical industrial centre of the Caucasus and Middle East region. Total Site Area: 167.66 ha. Ownership: public property. Location: 31 km from Baku (Azerbaijan) and near highway Baku-Russia. Infrastructure: Points of connection to utilities will be provided by "plug&play" system. Administration: "Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park" LLC under managament of Ministry of Economic Development Azerbaijan Republic. SCIP`s residents are exempted for 7 years from taxes below: - Corporate income tax, - Property tax, - Land tax, - VAT of imported equipments.